Book Spreader
These ergonomic book spreaders help keep your fingers relaxed while enjoying your favorite book. Get one for you or your special someone who reads! Available in multiple wood species.
These ergonomic book spreaders help keep your fingers relaxed while enjoying your favorite book. Get one for you or your special someone who reads! Available in multiple wood species.
These ergonomic book spreaders help keep your fingers relaxed while enjoying your favorite book. Get one for you or your special someone who reads! Available in multiple wood species.
Walnut is a mixture of light to medium chocolate brown with mostly straight and tight grain structure and will show variation in color across the piece. Walnut will hold its color over the years.
Cherry is a pinkish brown with straight grain structure that will not show much variation across the piece. Cherry will darken over time when exposed to light to a more reddish brown.
Purpleheart is a rich purple when first finished and will darken to an eggplant purple with hints of brown over time. Purpleheart has a tight grain structure that will not show much variation.
Acacia ranges in color from light yellow to dark brown with a warmer golden tone. It has a darker grain structure that can reveal different patterns based on how it was cut. Acacia will maintain its color over time.
Oak can vary a lot from tree to tree but is most commonly a golden brown to greyish white. It has a tight grain structure that will show a lot of lines within a small piece like the book spreaders.